Daily Challenge 3: Voice editing using Suki Assistant (Epic)

Voice editing using Suki Assistant

Take advantage of Suki’s voice editing capabilities.

Need to remove the last sentence from your dictation? Simply say, “Suki, undo.” “Suki, undo” deletes the last sentence you dictated. 

The command "Suki, change" allows you to update the text following a label. A label is a word or phrase followed by a colon. When you are in a section with labels, say "Suki, change <label name>" and dictate the new text.


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Daily challenge 4: Complete 10 notes with Suki (Epic)
Daily challenge 4: Complete 10 notes with Suki (Epic)

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 Daily Challenge 2: Insert a script into your note (Epic)
Daily Challenge 2: Insert a script into your note (Epic)