Daily challenge 5: Identify your best Suki/Epic blended workflow (Epic)

Identify your best Suki/Epic blended workflow

As you continue to master dictation on Suki, think about the best way to integrate Suki with your Epic workflow. Epic clinicians tend to use one of the following blended workflows:

  • Complete the entire note in Suki - a good option when you don’t need to pull extensive data from the patient chart in Epic.
  • Combine a Suki note with an Epic note - use Suki for the narrative portion of your notes, such as the HPI and A+P. Document in Suki and then either copy portions of your Epic note into Suki or vice versa.
  • Keep two notes under one encounter - your organization allows you to have two notes for a single encounter. Some clinicians keep an Epic note to leverage SmartTools and a Suki note for longer narrative content.

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Daily challenge 6: Determine the note type that works best for you (Epic)
Daily challenge 6: Determine the note type that works best for you (Epic)

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Daily challenge 4: Complete 10 notes with Suki (Epic)
Daily challenge 4: Complete 10 notes with Suki (Epic)